
We prefer to raise our own meat so we know for sure what is going on our table. The commercial cattle industry routinely uses low-dose antibiotics and growth hormones to increase feed conversion in beef cattle, which means they gain more on less feed.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in a report released on Tuesday, February 5, 2013, the use of antibiotics in food animal production slightly increases every year and consequently so does antibiotic resistant bacteria in meat products. Doesn’t sound very good, does it?

Although these techniques are rigorously tested through a comprehensive, multi-step scientific review by FDA to ensure animal health and human food safety, it’s not a guarantee that there isn’t going to be some kind of backfire 20 years down the road. Look at how many commercials are on TV talking about drug interactions and lawsuits. Those are the same drugs that the FDA approved at some point.